Call us today!
Phone: 949-542-7222 | Fax: 949-542-7223
Call us today!
Phone: 949-542-7222 | Fax: 949-542-7223
Below is a list of carriers we do business with and their claims phone numbers. If you click the carrier logo you will be redirected to the claims page of the companies website. Not all carriers we do business with are listed below, if you don't find the carrier you are looking for, please do not hesitate to give us a call directly.
If you have questions regarding a potential claim, please do not hesitate to call us direclty to discuss your situation.
Ace: 800-945-7461
American Modern: 800-375-2075
American Reliable: 800-245-1505
CSE: 800-282-6848
Foremost: 800-527-3907
Geovera: 800-859-8734
Grundy: 800-765-9749
Hagerty: 877-922-9701
Hagerty Roadside: 888-310-8020
Personal: 800-243-5860
Commercial: 800-327-3636
JIBNA: 877-542-6254
Kemper Preferred: 888-252-2799
Kemper Specialty: 866-536-7376
Lexington: 800-931-9546
Mercury: 800-503-3724
Progressive: 800-274-4499
Safeco: 800-332-3226
Safeco Roadside: 877-762-3101
Stillwater: 855-712-4092
USLI: 800-523-5545
Wright Flood: 800-725-9472